How to get to Márkomeannu?
Márkomeannu is arranged at Gállogieddi, in the márkosámi area, close to the border between Nordland and Troms on the Norwegian side of Sápmi. Some events is taking place in the region around Gállogieddi. Gállogieddi is 5 miles from Harstad, 8 miles from Narvik, 22 miles from Kiruna and 26 miles from Tromsø.
The easiest way to get there is by car. Take off from E10 1,3 km east of Evenes airport, towards Narvik. From there it's 4,5 km to the festival area. Follow the signs to Márkomeannu or Gállogieddi. When you arrive at the festival area, you can park your car on the parking down by the county road, and use your feet for the last 400 meters up to Gállogieddi. Parking is free. Márkomeannu offers transport of luggage to the camp area, and offers to drive people with bad feet all the way up. Ask for transport at our ticket office when you arrive.
It is also possible to travel by car or bus to Evenes airport (Harstad/Narvik), which is 6 km from Gállogieddi. It is possible to take a taxi to the festival area.